
Uladzislau Ivanou

Uladzislau Ivanou

Associate Professor

Academic Department of Social Sciences
Center for Gender Studies
Email: [email protected]


PhD in Sociolinguistics Warsaw University 2017
Master's degree in "Political science and European studies" Strasbourg Institute of Political Studies, France 2002

Teaching areas

Academic Writing; Political Ideologies; Introduction to Political Science; Contemporary Theories of Democracy and Сivil Society; Theory of Politics; Research Seminar; Civic Engagement and Social Movements

Research interests

Political Sciences, Ethnology, Gender theory, European Studies, Political Philosophy, Sociolinguistics



Іваноў У., Фэмінізацыя беларускай мовы. Сацыялінгвістычнае дасьледаваньне. 2019. Vilnius: Gudų kultūros draugija Lietuvoje, 2019. 191 p. ISBN 9789955578215.

Scientific monographs and book chapters published by internationally recognized scientific publishing houses:

Chapter: Uladzislaŭ Ivanoŭ, De la honte linguistique: le cas du bélarussien, Représentations des langues au confluent du temps et de l’espace, Série monographique en sciences humaines 27, Université Laurentienne, Canada, 2022, P. 55-72, ISSN 1198-8282.

Chapter: Uladzislaŭ Ivanoŭ, Stereotyping vulnerable groups, in: S. Assimakopoulos et al. (Eds.), Online Hate Speech in the European Union, Springer, 2017, p. 38–41, ISBN 978-3-319-72603-8.

Scientific articles in peer-reviewed foreign scientific journals:

  • Ivanoŭ, U., Le lexique de l’autoritarisme de Lukašenka et de la guerre russo-ukrainienne : le cas de la langue bélarussienne. Populismo y propaganda: entre el presente y el pasado, Bajo la dirección de Łukasz Szkopiński & Agneszka Woch, 2020, pp. 201-214.
  • Іваноў, У. Як мова рэагуе на расейска-ўкраінскую вайну (паліталягічныя і сацыялінгвістычныя заўвагі), Іdeology and Politics, 3 (11), 2018, c. 244–269.

Applied research:

Other publications:

  • Іваноў, У. Фэномэн жанчынаў у белым: гендарнае вымярэньне беларускіх пратэстаў другой паловы 2020 — пачатку 2021 году, Topos, 2, 2021, с. 150–174.
  • Іваноў, У. Стварэньне слоўніка нецэнзурнай лексыкі і ейных адпаведнікаў у беларускай мове: паміж лексыкаграфіяй і сацыялінгвістыкай, ActaAlbaruthenica. Warszawa : Uniwersytet Warszawski. ISSN 1898-8091. 2021, 21, с. 191-205.
  • Іваноў, У. Моўны сорам беларусаў (сацыялінгвістычны аналіз), ActaAlbaruthenica. Warszawa : Uniwersytet Warszawski. ISSN 1898-8091. 2020, 20, с. 169-184.
  • Іваноў, У. Ралян Барт як мысьляр палітычнага (Roland Barthes as a political thinker), Topos, 1–2, 2019, с. 205–214.
  • Іваноў, У. Аб інклюзыўнай беларускай мове, Acta Albaruthenica, 19, 2019, c. 231–240.
  • Ivanoŭ, U., The Role of Old Believers in the Uprising of 1863–1864 and the Belarusian Nation-Building Process, The Journal of Belarusian Studies, 7 (3), 2015, p. 94–104.

Edition of the scientific political science collection

  • At the Origins of Belarusian Political Science. Vilnius, EHU / Belarus Country Office of the Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung, 2022 – 184 p. ISBN 978-609-8220-11-7 (print version) ISBN 978-609-8220-12-4 (electronic version), Andrei Stsiapanau and Uladzislaŭ Ivanoŭ, editors.
  • Ля вытокаў беларускай палітычнай навукі / Пад рэд. Іванова У., Сцяпанава А. – Вільня: ЕГУ / Фонд Конрада Адэнаўэра, 2022. – 204 с. ISBN 978-609-8220-13-1 (друкаваная версія) ISBN 978-609-8220-14-8 (электронная версія).


  • 2017-2023: Project in cooperation with the Belarusian Skaryna Library-Museum in London – creation and editing of a large Belarusian-French dictionary (author and editor Ivanoŭ U.).
  • 2019-2020: Expert of the “Writers Against Hate Speech” project supported by the US German Marshall Fund. 
  • 2017-2019: Training “Ideological instructions” (instructor-political scientist), School of Young Public Administration Managers SYMPA, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • 2018: Participation in the project C.O.N.T.A.C.T. (content analysis and writing of an article about hate speech in Lithuania), (hate speech researcher on gay issues).
  • 2016-2017: Training cycle for Belarusian parties “Ideological instructions” and “Political ideologies of Europe and Belarus” at the initiative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Lithuanian International Republican Institute “(instructor-political scientist), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Science promotion:

In Belarusian

In Lithuanian

    • 2022-10-07:  Moteris, kurios bijo Kinijа, Šiaurės Atėnai,