
Siarhei Liubimau

Siarhei Liubimau

Associate Professor

Academic Department of Social Sciences


Laboratory of Critical Urbanism
Email: [email protected]


PhD in Sociology Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Science 2010

Teaching areas

Language and thinking; Professional Terminology in English: Cities and Digitalization; City and Communication

Research interests

Urban sociology, applied critical urbanism, sociology of digitalisation of cities, sociology of borders and boundaries, social theory



Mapping Visaginas. Sources Of Urbanity In a Former Mono-functional Town. 2016. Vilnius Academy Of Arts Press (co-editor together with Felix Ackermann and Benjamin Cope)

Scientific articles in peer-reviewed periodicals, ongoing and one-off publications:

“Skalowanie a granice”. 2020. In Elzbieta Opilowska et al (eds) Studia nad Granicami i Pograniczami, Warszawa: SCHOLAR, pp. 382-388

“Post-Soviet ‘Nuclear’ Towns as Multi-Scalar Infrastructures: Relating Sovereignty and Urbanity Through the Perspective of Visaginas”. 2019. In Tauri Tuvikene, Wladimir Sgibnev and Carola S. Neugebauer (eds.) Post- Socialist Urban Infrastructures. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 89-104

“Soviet Nuclear Towns from a Planetary Urbanization Perspective”. 2019. In Lukasz Krzyzowski, Katarzyna Leszczynska and Maria Szmeja (eds.) Wyobrazone, przezyte I przedstawione. Ksiega jubileuszowa dla Profesora Janusza Muchy. Krakow: Nomos, pp. 150-165

“Editor’s Note: A Critical Theory of the ‘Public’ For Digitally Mediated Urbanization” in Perekrestki 2019 (1), pp 6-12

Review of the book by Deborah Lupton “The Quantified Self” in Perekrestki 2019 (1), pp. 102-107

Review of the book by Bas Van Heur “Creative Networks and the City. Towards A Cultural Political Economy of Aesthetic Production” in Perekrestki 2019 (1), pp. 118-122

“Relating Bordering and Scaling In Qualitative Urban Research: The Case of Polish-German Trans-Border Revitalization Project”. 2017. In Europa Regional 24 (1/2). Pp. 35-49

“Why Map Post-socialist spaces?”. 2016. In Felix Ackermann, Benjamin Cope and Miodrag Kuc (eds.) Mapping Vilnius. Transitions of Post-Socialist Urban Spaces. Vilnius Academy of Arts Press

Рецензия на книгу Georgi M. Derluguian. “Bourdieu’s Secret Admirer In The Caucasus. A World-System Biography” в Перекрестки 2016 (1-2), pp. 169-175

“Popular Urbanism and the Issue of Egalitarianism”. 2015. In The City. Breaking Points. Architekturos [leidiniu] Fondas 03

“Urbanizing Sovereignty. State Borders and Space Uses”. 2013. In Studia Humanistyczne AGH 12/1, pp. 43-56

“Europeanization and Built Environment: the Re-scaling of Border City Goerlitz-Zgorzelec”. 2011. in Perpetual Motion? Transformation and Transition in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia, ed. by Bhambry Tul’si et al. UCL: School of Slavonic and East European Studies, pp. 57-71

“Urban Studies and the Issue of Innovations”. 2011. in International Journal of Political Studies. Belarusian Political Science Review: No 1, Vytautas Magnus University Press, pp. 242-250

“Scalar Dynamics and National Minorities in the City. Or How Does ‘Urban’ Complicate the Issue of Urban Tolerance?” 2011. in RESPECT Project Working Paper Series: 4/2011 (EC F7 project Towards a “Topography” of Tolerance and Equal Respect. A comparative study of policies for the distribution of public spaces in culturally diverse societies), pp. 1-10.

Scientific articles in periodicals, continuing and one-off cultural and professional publications:

“Skalowanie a granice”. 2020. In Elzbieta Opilowska et al (eds) Studia nad granicami i pograniczami, Warszawa: SCHOLAR, pp. 382-388

“Post-Soviet ‘Nuclear’ Towns as Multi-Scalar Infrastructures: Relating Sovereignty and Urbanity Through the Perspective of Visaginas”. 2019. In Tauri Tuvikene, Wladimir Sgibnev and Carola S. Neugebauer (eds.) Post- Socialist Urban Infrastructures. New York and London: Routledge, pp. 89-104

“Soviet Nuclear Towns from a Planetary Urbanization Perspective”. 2019. In Lukasz Krzyzowski, Katarzyna Leszczynska and Maria Szmeja (eds.) Wyobrazone, przezyte I przedstawione. Ksiega jubileuszowa dla Profesora Janusza Muchy. Krakow: Nomos, pp. 150-165

“Editor’s Note: A Critical Theory of the ‘Public’ For Digitally Mediated Urbanization” in Perekrestki 2019 (1), pp 6-12

“Relating Bordering and Scaling In Qualitative Urban Research: The Case of Polish-German Trans-Border Revitalization Project”. 2017. In Europa Regional 24 (1/2). Pp. 35-49

“Why Map Post-socialist spaces?”. 2016. In Felix Ackermann, Benjamin Cope and Miodrag Kuc (eds.) Mapping Vilnius. Transitions of Post-Socialist Urban Spaces. Vilnius Academy of Arts Press

Articles prepared on the basis of conference reports or analytical reviews of scientific works in periodical, ongoing and one-time scientific publications (also in non-peer-reviewed ones):

Review of the book by Deborah Lupton “The Quantified Self” in Perekrestki 2019 (1), pp. 102-107

Review of the book by Bas Van Heur “Creative Networks and the City. Towards A Cultural Political Economy of Aesthetic Production” in Perekrestki 2019 (1), pp. 118-122

Рецензия на книгу Georgi M. Derluguian. “Bourdieu’s Secret Admirer In The Caucasus. A World-System Biography” в Перекрестки 2016 (1-2), pp. 169-175

“Popular Urbanism and the Issue of Egalitarianism”. 2015. In The City. Breaking Points. Architekturos [leidiniu] Fondas 03

Reports and plenary lectures at international and national conferences:

2018: Conference “Educational Architecture. Challenges of Change”, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Vilnius City Municipality Paper: ‘Knowledge Infrastructure’ as a Guiding Notion in Applied Urbanist Research (in English)

2018: First Baltic Conference on the Environmental Humanities and Social Sciences, The Academic Centre for Natural Sciences, University of Latvia Paper: ‘Nuclear’ Urbanism re-Scaled: A Knowledge Infrastructure Lens (in English)

2018: Actors of Urban Change Public Talk, Vilnius, Lithuania Talk: Nuclear Urbanism: Reflections on Post-Soviet Place Making

2017: International Workshop “Post-Socialist Urban Infrastructures”, Tallinn University Paper: Post-Soviet Nuclear Towns as Multi-Scalar Infrastructures: Relating Sovereignty and Urbanity from Visaginas Perspective (in English)

2017: Conference “City as Historical Infrastructure”, German Historical Institute, Warsaw Paper: Locating Arguments on New Medievalism in Urban Studies Research Agendas (in English)

2017: 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association, RN19 “Sociology of Professions”, Athens Paper: Life Story Interviews Method in studies of De-industrialization (in English)

2016: 15th  BRIT Conference “Cities, States and Borders: From the Local to the Global”, HafenCity University Hamburg and University of Southern Denmark, Hamburg and Sonderborg Paper: Scalar Dimension of Trans-border Trade (in English)

2015: 15th  In/Visibility and difference: A Visual Methods Workshop, Bard College Berlin and Transformig, Berlin Paper: Visualising Geographical Scale and Boundary in Qualitative Social Research (in English)

2015: EUGEO 2015 Congress, Hungarian Geographical Society, Budapest Paper: The Politics of Scale in the EU Trans-border Revitalization Projects (in English)

2015: Public talk at the Think and Drink Colloquium at Humboldt University (Urban Sociology Department), Berlin, Germany Talk: Urbanity From the Angle of Border Studies