Anatoli Mikhailov
Academic Department of Humanities and Arts
[email protected]
PhD in Phisolophy
Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Research interests
Philosophy, History of philosophy, Methodology of humanities and social sciences, Hermeneutics, Language and thinking, European intellectual tradition, Educational policy.
- Democracy as a Challenge.Woodrow Wilson International Center, Washington, 2007. p.7-15.
- Бытие и время: 80 лет спустя. Топос. 2007. N 3, с. 5-19.
- К истории одной забытой полемики: Гаман versus Кант. В сб.: Сущность и слово. Феноменология – Герменевтика, Москва, 2009. с. 293-304.
- University in Exile: The Experience of the Twenty-First Century. In: Social Research. New York, 2009. Vol.76. N 3. p. 849-866.
- Goethe, Hamann, Hegel und das Erbe des deutschen Idealismus.In: Goethe- Spuren. Quartus-Verlag. Bucha bei Jena. 2009. S.110-118.
- Возможна ли философия в современном университете?Топос. 2012. N. 1.с. 52-67. Вильнюс.
- Послесловие к публикации книги Р. Павилениса. Смысл и идентичность или Путь к себе.Вильнюс, 2013. с.233-240.
- Reforming Social Sciences, Humanities and Higher Education in Eastern Europe and CIS after 1991.Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 242 p. Introduction: p. VIII-XI. Editor together with Olga Breskaja.
- Сборник Art and Emergency, планируется издание статьи “The Language of Art: A Saving Power?”, New York, 2015
- Mikhailov, A. (2020). Preface. The language of humanities (ed. by Anatoli Mikhailov), p. 5-12.
- Mikhailov, A. (2020). Being and language. The language of humanities (ed. by Anatoli Mikhailov), p. 143-163.
- Gornykh, A. (2020). Imaginary Words as Reality: Freud with Proust. The Language of Humanities: between Word and Image (ed. by A. Mikhailov), p. 91-101.
- Makhnach, A. (2020). Building the language of “europeanness” in a humanities university. The language of humanities (ed. by Anatoli Mikhailov), p. 123-141.
- Mikhailov, A. (2021). Европейское наследие как источник кризиса и как надежда. CTRL+S. Европейское наследие, p. 19-28.