
Anatoli Mikhailov

Anatoli Mikhailov


Academic Department of Humanities and Arts
Email: [email protected]


PhD in Phisolophy Friedrich Schiller University of Jena 1966

Research interests

Philosophy, History of philosophy, Methodology of humanities and social sciences, Hermeneutics, Language and thinking, European intellectual tradition, Educational policy.


  1. Democracy as a Challenge.Woodrow Wilson International Center, Washington, 2007. p.7-15.
  2. Бытие и время: 80 лет спустя. Топос. 2007. N 3, с. 5-19.
  3. К истории одной забытой полемики: Гаман versus Кант. В сб.: Сущность и слово. Феноменология – Герменевтика, Москва, 2009. с. 293-304.
  4. University in Exile: The Experience of the Twenty-First Century. In: Social Research. New York, 2009. Vol.76. N 3. p. 849-866.
  5. Goethe, Hamann, Hegel und das Erbe des deutschen Idealismus.In: Goethe- Spuren. Quartus-Verlag. Bucha bei Jena. 2009. S.110-118.
  6. Возможна ли философия в современном университете?Топос. 2012. N. 1.с. 52-67. Вильнюс.
  7. Послесловие к публикации книги Р. Павилениса. Смысл и идентичность или Путь к себе.Вильнюс, 2013. с.233-240.
  8. Reforming Social Sciences, Humanities and Higher Education in Eastern Europe and CIS after 1991.Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 242 p. Introduction: p. VIII-XI. Editor together with Olga Breskaja.
  9. Сборник Art and Emergency, планируется издание статьи “The Language of Art: A Saving Power?”, New York, 2015
  10. Mikhailov, A. (2020). Preface. The language of humanities (ed. by Anatoli Mikhailov), p. 5-12.
  11. Mikhailov, A. (2020). Being and language. The language of humanities (ed. by Anatoli Mikhailov), p. 143-163.
  12. Gornykh, A. (2020). Imaginary Words as Reality: Freud with Proust. The Language of Humanities: between Word and Image (ed. by A. Mikhailov), p. 91-101.
  13. Makhnach, A. (2020). Building the language of “europeanness” in a humanities university. The language of humanities (ed. by Anatoli Mikhailov), p. 123-141.
  14. Mikhailov, A. (2021). Европейское наследие как источник кризиса и как надежда. CTRL+S. Европейское наследие, p. 19-28.