
Aliaksandr Kalbaska

Aliaksandr Kalbaska


Academic Department of Humanities and Arts
Email: [email protected]



Teaching areas

Mythologization of Museum Objects (Eng); A History of the World since 1300 (with Princeton) (Eng); Intellectual European tradition: Paris (Rus); Museum Research (Bel).

Research interests

New museology, virtual museums


  1. Музейны дыярыюш, ці ўваходзіны ў новую музеялогію..- Miнск.- 2000.- 147 с. ISBN 985-6138-272
  2. Virtual University Museums as an ‘Absolute Reality’ //September, 4, 2019. The University Museums and Collections Journal (UMACJ)
  3. Kalbaska, A. (2020). The language of museum objects: the conflict between the word and the image. The language of humanities: between word and image, p. 69-86.
  4. On the (digital) perspective for Belarusian museums // CTRL + S. European heritage. Scientific ed. S. A. Stureiko. ISBN 978-609-8122-93-0 – Vilnius: Ciklonas, 2022. c 151 – 157