European Heritage and Creative Tourism

Academic degree

Bachelor of Humanities


4 years (8 semesters) (High Residence)
5 years (10 semesters) (Low Residence)

National Code of the Study Program


About the program

Our program confronts students with the most important questions of our time. Does Belarus have cultural and historical subjectivity? Are we Europeans? And what to do with the historical layers, influences and artifacts of the past?
Based on the extensive material of the cultural heritage of Belarus and Europe, with the help of an international class of experts and partner organizations, we are preparing cultural managers – professionals of the future who understand cultural trends, know how to formulate ideas for popular projects and know where to find funds for them.
Our graduates are able to turn the burden of the past into a source of development. We learn to understand and integrate heritage into diverse contemporary contexts, exploring its economic, social and environmental potentials.
We sort out the conflicts of memory, identity and the salvation of endangered values. We will learn how heritage “works” in Vilnius, Florence, Paris and other European cities. Finally, we believe that conservation is impossible without creativity. For our students, heritage is a source of endless inspiration, so the program is interdisciplinary: theater, design and history – students
from different courses form teams and implement their own ideas. Join us!

Program features:

  • Practical orientation of the program and annual field research in Vilnius, Florence, Amsterdam and other cities.
  • Priority in developing professional skills.
  • Opportunity to conduct your own research with the support of program experts.
  • Two foreign languages – English and German.
  • Opportunity to participate in international student exchange programs – Erasmus+, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Bard College Network (USA).


Internships within the Bachelor’s program “European Heritage and Creative Tourism” are implemented in museums, research institutions and archives, state and non-governmental institutions in the field of tourism and heritage in Belarus, Lithuania and abroad. Students of our program had internships in the Belarusian Committee of ICOMOS (Minsk, Belarus), Brest Fortress Development Fund (Brest, Belarus), Belarusian-Jewish Cultural Heritage Center (Minsk, Belarus), National Art Museum of Lithuania (Vilnius, Lithuania), the Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Research Center (Vilnius, Lithuania), the National Museum “Palace of the Lithuanian Grand Dukes” (Vilnius, Lithuania), the I. Lutskievich Belarusian Museum (Vilnius, Lithuania), the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum (Vilnius, Lithuania), The Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre Center (Lublin, Poland); The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People Jerusalem (CAHJP) (Jerusalem, Israel); Artisfact Limited (“Artsted”), a startup (London, UK)Bard Graduate Programs in Sustainability (Bard College) (New York, USA), Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation (Florence, Italy), UNESCO Chair in ICT (Lugano, Switzerland). 

Curriculum of the Bachelor’s program “European Heritage and Creative Tourism” (High Residence)

Curriculum of the Bachelor’s program “European Heritage and Creative Tourism” (Low Residence)


Potential career

The volume of knowledge and skills acquired by program graduates in the field of cultural heritage expands their opportunities in the labor market, including work in government and non-government organizations, as well as the development of innovative products based on cultural heritage.

  • Work in independent cultural institutions and public organizations.
  • Organization of events and educational projects.
  • Work in tourist enterprises and destinations.
  • Continuation of Master’s Degree in a wide range of areas in Europe and the USA.

Examples of career opportunities:

  • Cultural Projects Coordinator
  • Creator of media content in the field of culture and cultural heritage
  • International and local organizations worker in the field of culture and tourism.
  • Member of the cultural and educational project team

Success stories of alumni of the Bachelor’s programs “Cultural Heritage and Tourism”, “European Heritage”.

Admission Requirements

Admission to bachelor's programs, except for "Visual Design" and "Theater Arts and Acting," is conducted without entrance exams, based on a motivational interview.

📍 Not sure where to start? Check out the step-by-step instructions for applicants at this link.
📍 Learn more about tuition fees, grants, and scholarships here.

📢 Admission Consultations

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to EHU?Guide
Applicationfrom May 1st
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