
Oksana Zaporozhets

Oksana Zaporozhets

Associate Professor

Academic Department of Social Sciences
Email: [email protected]


PhD in Sociology Ural State University, Yekaterinburg, Russia 1999
MA in Sociology Samara State University, Russia 1995

Teaching areas

Social Theory; Gender Studies; Urban Studies; Qualitative Research in Sociology

Research interests

Decolonial studies, authoritarian cities, digitalization of urban life and political institutions, graffiti and street art, non-humans and viruses


Scientific monographs and book chapters published by internationally recognized scientific publishing houses:

Zaporozhets O., Brednikova O. New Neighbors in New Urban Districts in Large Russian Cities: Constructing Scenarios of Neighboring. In Cheshire L. (ed.) Neighbours around the World. Emerald, 2022: 37-54.

Bederson V., Zhelnina A., Zaporozhets O., Minaeva E., Semenov A., Tykanova E., Khokhlova A., Chernyshova L., Shevtsova I. The City of Forking Streets. The Trajectories of Urban Conflicts in Russia. St. Petersburg: Sociology Institute Press, 2022.

Lapina-Kratasyuk E.G., Zaporozhets O.N., Vozyanov A. (eds.) Urban Networks. People. Technologies. Governance. Moscow: New Literary Observer, 2021.  

Brednikova O., Zaporozhets O. (eds.) Microurbanism. City in Details. Moscow: New Literary Observer, 2014.

Abramov R, Zaporozhets O. Space of love and care. In Samutina N., Stepanov B. (eds.) Tsaritsyno: attraction with history. Moscow: New Literary Observer, 2014: 273-302. 

Samutina N., Zaporozhets O. Being with others: anthropology of norm in Tsaritsyno park. In Samutina N., Stepanov B. (eds.)  Tsaritsyno: attraction with history. Moscow: New Literary Observer, 2014: 143-214.    

Lavrinec J., Zaporozhets O. Choreography of Anxiety in Transit Spaces: Representational Approach Revised. In Romanov P., Iarskaya-Smirnova E. (eds.) Visual Anthropology: Urban Memory Cards / Mental Maps. Moscow: Variant, 2009: 45-66.

Lavrinec J., Zaporozhets O. Shaping Spaces of Shared Experience: Creative Practices and Temporal Communities. In Pachenkov O. (ed.) Urban Public Space: Facing the Challenges of Mobility and Aestheticization. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH, 2013: 132- 145.

Lavrinec J., Zaporozhets O. Dramaturgy of Urban Fears. In Lyssiotis P. (ed.) In Transition: Cultural Identities in the age of Transnational and Transcultural Flux. NeMe, Cyprus. 2008: 198-212.

Zaporozhets O., Krupets Y. Soviet Consumer and Regulated Publicity: New Ideological Constructs and Everyday Life of Obshchepit of the Late 1950s. In Iarskaia-Smirnova E., Romanov P. (eds.)  Soviet Social Policy in 1940-1985: Scenes and Actors. Moscow: Variant; Center for Social Policy and Gender Studies, 2008: 315-336. 

Scientific articles in peer-reviewed foreign scientific journals:

Samutina N., Zaporozhets O. The more buffed, the more persistent. Small urban inscriptions and struggle for communication in Moscow public space. City. Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action.  2021. 25 (3-4): 453-473.

Zaporozhets O., Kolesnik A. Music Geography in Russia: Non-Auratic Places and Institutionalization “in Becoming”. Journal of Cultural Geography. 2020. 37 (1): 1-25.

Zaporozhets O. Subway and Digital Porosity of the City. Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP BRP 128/HUM/2016. 2016. P.22.

Samutina N. V., Zaporozhets O. Berlin, the City of Saturated Walls. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research. 2015. 7 (2): 36-61.

Bogdanova E., Brednikova O., Zaporozhets O. How Can Neighborhood Be Understood and Studied? Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research. 2021. 13(2): 139–171. 

Zaporozhets O., Bagina Y. How Hopes Build the Civic Infrastructure of New Residential Areas. The Journal of Social Policy Studies. 2021. 19 (2): 269–284.

Sinitsyn V., Zaporozhets O. Practices of orientation and independent everyday mobility of visually impaired urban citizens. The Journal of Social Policy Studies. 2021. 19 (3): 669–684.

Zaporozhets O. “Mobile methods”: studying life in motion. Sociology: Methodology, Methods, Mathematical Modeling. 2017. 44: 37-72. 

Zaporozhets O. Subway and Digital Porosity of the City. Topos. 2017. 1-2: 150-167.  

Brednikova O., Zaporozhets O. Wind, Fatigue, and Romance of the Night (on Peculiarities of New Residential Areas). Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research. 2016. 2: 103-119. 

Zaporozhets O., Lapina-Kratasyuk E. Digital codes of Russian cities: connectivity, ruptures and a few words about the appreciation of urban citizen. Steps. 2016.  2(1): 103-113. 

Zaporozhets O., Lapina-Kratasyuk E. Anthropology of Digital City: In search of the research toolkit. Ethnography Observer. 2015. 4: 41-54. 

Zaporozhets O. Tuning on the city: the metro and the management of everyday experiences. Fashion Theory: clothes, body, culture. 2014. 33: 143-161. 

Zaporozhets O. Becoming a Subway User: Managing Affects and Experiences. Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. BRP 52. 2014. P. 26.

Zaporozhets O. Overcoming sociological narcissism. The heterogeneous landscape of public action. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research. 2009. 1: 224-226.

Zaporozhets O. Visual Sociology: shaping the perspective. Interaction. Interview. Interpretation. 2007. 3 (4): 33-43. 

Zaporozhets O., Lavrinec J. Urban Studies: searching for the ground. Communitas. 2006. 1: 5-20. 

Recent projects:

2020 – 2022 – “Sanitary rule-following practices at Moscow public transport during the pandemic of COVID-19” 

2017 – 2022 “The Big Layered Cake: Towards the Conceptualization of Neighborness”  (KONE Foundation)

2019 – 2021 – “Residential careers in large Russian cities: life trajectory and spatial mobility” 

2016 – 2019 – “The Marshrutka Project: Fluid mobilities for cities in transformation: spatial dynamics of marshrutkas in Central Asia and the Caucasus” (Volkswagen Foundation)

2016 – “Digital City: New Tools of Space Management, Grassroots Initiatives and Cultural Practices”

Science promotion:


May 2021 Neighboring in the time of coronavirus: the challenges of next door living. Kolloquium des Lehrstuhls für Russland-Asien Studien, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. 

October 2018 The Adventurous Life of the Moscow Subway: From an Urban Miracle to a Media Corporation. Russian Studies Workshop, Indiana University. 


November 2020 – “Underworld and its inhabitants. Could users affect the Moscow metro functioning?”. Gilyarovski center, The Museum of Moscow.

January 2019 – “Microurbanism. Significant details, invisible urban citizens, and the art of urban life”. Yeltsin center. Yekaterinburg, Russia.

July 2018 – “How to study the city and its citizens?” ZIL Cultural Center (Moscow)

May 2017 – “The Subway and the management of urban experiences”. “New Holland” Saint-Petersburg (available online)

December 2016 – “In the park, on the subway, at the block. How urban spaces affect the way we dress”. The Museum of Moscow.

December 2015 – “Breaking the urban everydayness: wind, love, and fatigue” (with Olga Brednikova). V-A-C Foundation (Moscow) (available online)

July 2013, 2014 – lectures “Reflexive vision in Sociology and beyond” and “Multi-sensory research” Summer School organized by “Russian Reporter” Journal.


What is Smart City? (2021) The Higher School of Economics web-platform (available online)

“Microurbanism. City in details” (2015) PostNauka web-platform (available online)

“The subway as a technology of a modern city” (2014) PostNauka web-platform (available online)