
Konstantin Ivanov

Konstantin Ivanov

Associate Professor (visiting)

Academic Department of Social Sciences
Center for Constitutionalism and Human Rights
Email: [email protected]


PhD in law St. Petersburg 2011

Teaching areas

International Commercial Law; EU Commercial law; EU Contract and Tort Law; Practice

Research interests

International Private Law, Competition Law, International Commercial Law


Balmagambetova, V., Tlepina, S., Ivanov, K., & Zayed, N. (2021). Analysis on the Legal Regulation of the Higher Education Quality Assurance: a case study of the Republic of Kazakhstan and European higher education. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, Volume 24, Issue 4.

Ivanov, K. Stanovleniye pravovoy sistemy Litovskoy Respubliki (1990-2009). Vilnius, Izdatelstvo EHU, 2014, 176 s. ISSN 978-9955-773-77-1

The implementation of principle freedom of establishment in the corporate law of the European Union // Moderno tiesību attistības teorētiskās un praktiskās problēmas // Starptautiskā zinātniski praktiskā konference// Rakstu krājums. Rīga, Sociālo tehnoloġiju augstskola, 2013. – 244 lpp.

Competition law: between law and economy // International conference of PhD students and young researchers the  INTEGRATING SOCIAL SCIENCES INTO LEGAL RESEARCH // Conference papers, Vilnius University Faculty of Law, Vilnius University, 2014, p 125-133

Интеграция Литовской Республики в Европейский Союз: историко-правовой аспект: Монография [Текст]  / К.И. Иванов. СПб.: Северная звезда. 2010. – 71 с.

Становление правовой системы Литовской Республики 1990-2009 //

Становление правовой системы Литовской Республики: 1990–2009 гг.: монография/ К. Иванов. –Вильнюс : ЕГУ, 2014. – 200 с.