
Irina  Poleshchuk

Irina Poleshchuk

Associate Professor

Academic Department of Social Sciences
Center for Research of Intersubjectivity and Interpersonal Communication
Email: [email protected]


PhD in Social Sciences University of Helsinki 2009

Teaching areas

Aesthetics; History of Art; Art of Antiquity; Contemporary Art; Exhibitions and Curator; Phenomenology and Ethics; Representation of Pain in European Art History; Phenomenology of Pain; Art Therapy

Research interests

Phenomenology; ethics; phenomenology of temporality; phenomenology of justice, marginality; ethics of intersubjectivity: embodiment, pain, sensibility, phenomenology of chronic pain, the feminine, motherhood; philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, Michel Henry, Hans Jonas, Drew Ledre, Thomas Szasz; phenomenology of art practice; analytical psychology


Scientific monographs and book chapters published by internationally recognized scientific publishing houses:

Chapter: “Temporality of Maternity, Chronic Pain, and Ethics: Challenging Current Narratives on Pain and Health,” in Women’s Lived Experiences of the Gender Gap, Springer, 2021. – 

«Конструирование депрессии в научной и учебной психиатрической литературе Беларуси. Между «быть-пациентом» и «автономной субъективностью», в Без будущего. Депрессия и авторитарное общество, Vilnius, Логвинау, 2020, ISBN 9786098213850, с. 180 -228. 

“Transcendence and Sensibility: Affection, Sensation and Non-Intentional Consciousness”, in Levinas Studies, Vol. XI, eds. Richard A. Cohen and Jolanta Saldukaityte, Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 2017, p. 1-20, ISSN: 978-0-8207-0709-9.

“Diachrony and Affectivity: One-for-the-Other and Disrupted subjectivity”, in Emmanuel Levinas: a Radical Thinker in the Time of Crisis, ed. By Rita Serpytyte, Vilnius University, 2015, p. 81-89, ISBN 978-609-459-671-1.

Scientific articles in peer-reviewed foreign scientific journals:

“Lived Body in Pain: Interaffective Space for Mother-Child Relations in Art Practices,“ in Humanities and Social Sciences, vol.10, issue 4, p. 240-246. 

In collaboration with Yolanda Blanco, ‘Fenomenologia del dolor a traves el collage”, Ciutadans. Revista de Ciencies Social d’Ándorra, 2020, 17, p. 46 – 52. 

“Temporalization of mother-child relation: experience of chronic pain”, Topos 2020, P. 158-175, ISSN: 1815-0047. – 

“Ethical exegesis and ethical body in the philosophy of E. Levinas”, in Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict studies, Vol 34/3, UDC1(091)17, 2018, p.356-368. 

“Formation of Sensibility in Mother-Child Relation: Temporal Dephasing and Traumatic Displacement”, Journal of Clinical Philosophy 19, Osaka 2018, p.64-78, ISSN: 1349-9904.  

“On the Condition of Ethical Becoming of the Self: Sensibility, Enjoyment and Displaced subjectivity”, Journal of Clinical Philosophy 17, ISSN 1349-9904, Osaka, 2016, p. 3-21. 

“The Temporalization of Listening in the Intersubjective Relation”, in Horizon, 4 (1) 2015, p.97-113, ISSN 2226-5260.

“The Ethics of Futurity: Messianism and Intersubjectivity”, in International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol.4, No.5 (1); March 2014, p. 56-66. ISSN: 2220-8488, –

“Temporalization of Justice: Responsibility and Pain in Formatting Ethical Subjectivity”, in Whose Justice? Global Perspective in Dialogue, LCC Liberal Arts 2013, p. 91-98, ISSN: 2029-1485.

“Unfolding Flesh Towards the Other: Levinas’s Perspective of Maternity and the Feminine”, in Problemos vol. 84, 2013, p.138-151, ISSN: 1392-1126 

“The Drama of the Self-becoming: Transformation of Justice in Levinas’s Ethics”, in Topos, vol. 3, 2012, p. 7-18, ISSN: 1815-0047