The Institute for German Studies at the European Humanities University (EHU – 1992 founded in Minsk) was established in 1998. After the EHU was moved to Vilnius it was re-opened in 2009 under the name of the Center for German Studies. Since that time it has continuously contributed to the academic development of the EHU at its new operating place in the capital of the Republic of Lithuania.
The Center pursues a variety of academic tasks in research and teaching at the EHU as well as in the field of scholarly exchange between Germany, Lithuania, Belarus and the entire region of East-Central Europe.
The Scholarly and Administrative Obligations of the Center for German Studies include:
Academic Teaching:
- Since the fall semester 2017/18, with the assistance of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung), a course on German politics and society is being conducted in German for students with a command of German at the B2 level.
Academic Research
- The Center for German Studies promotes the invitation of teachers of Visiting professors for research workshops and for curricula-based teaching through DAAD grants, through grants from various academic foundations like “HERDER STIFTUNG” (professors emeriti) and through ERASMUS mobility schemes.
Academic Exchange with Germany
- The Center for German Studies supports long-existing scholarly ties with German universities, in particular those with bilateral EHU-agreements: In particular important are: The European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, the Humboldt-University Berlin, The University of Arts Berlin (UDK), the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee, the University of Potsdam, the BTU Cottbus, the Bauhaus University Weimar, and others.
- The Center for German Studies assists in the preparation of applications for DAAD for academic trips of EHU students and academic staff to Germany.
Academic Cooperation within the Region East- and North-East Central Europe.
(Belarus, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Russian Federation)
- The Center for German Studies will be actively searching for additional academic partners in the area. In particular of interest are scientific institutions in the Baltic region: Latvia, Riga: Deutsch-Baltisches Hochschulkontor, Estonia: University of Tartu, Europa-College, Narva College.
For more information about the Center please contact Coordinator of the Center for German Studies Vera Dzyadok via [email protected]