Center for Gender Studies was founded at the European Humanities University in Minsk in October 1997 with support from John D. and Catherine T. McArthur Foundation. Initially, EHU’s first graduate program was MA in Gender Studies, launched in 2000. Since 1997 the Center has organized a series of conferences, workshops, seminars, trainings, and courses; published several books, thematic volumes of journals, conducted several research projects. After the relocation of EHU to Vilnius in 2005, the Center continued its activities, including research, education, activist projects – in both Belarus and Lithuania.
CGS is a community of researchers and activists who view gender studies not only as a promising area of knowledge but also as an opportunity to change the world for the better.
Activities of the Center for Gender Studies
The main areas of activities of the Center for Gender Studies at the European Humanities University are the following:
- conduct and support research and education in the field of Gender Studies in the interdisciplinary perspective;
- promote the incorporation of Gender Studies into the University curriculum;
- to develop cooperation in the field of gender equality between academia, media and non-governmental organizations in the region.
Research areas:
- Social Stratification of post-Soviet Societies: Gender, Class, Nation;
- Gender Representations in Visual Culture and Feminist Curatorship;
- Gender, Mobility, and Human Rights;
- Gendered Issues in Media;
- Gender and Economy under Postsocialism;
- Gender, Science and Technologies;
- Gender and Language;
- Gay and Lesbian Studies / Queer Studies.
Corresponding study programs:
- Master’s program Gender Studies (from 2000 to the present);
- Master’s program Cultural Studies (major in Gender Studies – 2005 – 2019);
- Master’s program Public Policy;
- Gender-related courses at the Bachelor’s program Media and Communication
Team in AY 2024/25
- Teachers: Prof. Elena Gapova, Prof. Almira Ousmanova, Dr. Uladzislau Ivanou, Dr. Andrei Vazianau, Dr. Alexander Pershai
- “Women in Tech” project team: Hanna Samarskaya, Antonina Stebur, Tania Arcimovich
- Affiliated researchers:
Natallia Shcherbina (MA in Gender Studies, member of the Research Laboratory Выключэнне/Exclusion. Яе-перспектыва”, Women in Tech project);
Yana Sanko (MA in Anthropology, member of the Research Laboratory Выключэнне/Exclusion. Яе-перспектыва”, Women in Tech project)
Natalia Sorokovik (PhD student, EHU);
Valerya Borovets (EHU Gender Studies MA program alumna);
Živilė Mantrimaitė (EHU Gender Studies MA program alumna);
Marina Mentusova (EHU Gender Studies MA program alumna).
Contact details |
Contact us Click here [email protected] |
Founder: Prof. Elena Gapova Coordinator: Prof. Almira Ousmanova Academia page Facebook page |
Activities 2014-2024
Scientific publications
- “Gender and Im/material Labour” (edited by Antonina Stebur and Almira Ousmanova), thematic issue of Topos, 2/2023,
- Gapova, Elena “Gendering Labour in the Age of AI”, Topos, (2/2023), 212-217.
- Stebur, Antonina, Ousmanova, Almira “Editors’ Preamble. Women and Immaterial Labour: Unveiling the Unseen Dynamics” , Topos (2/2023), 5 – 10 - Stebur, Antonina “Gender Dynamics and Colonial Dependencies in the Belarusian IT sector”, Topos (2/2023), 11-24 - Mentusova, Marina “The Impact of Women’s Fears on Gender Inequality in Belarusian IT”, Topos (2/2023), 55-88.
- Sarakavik, Natalia “Subjectivity, Power, and Women’s Political Activism in the Belarusian digital society”, Topos (2/2023), 139-152. - Arcimovich, Tania “Trajectories of Displacement: (Non)Written and Erased Biographies”, Topos (2/2023), 165-184.
- «Post-Socialist Anxiety: Gender Studies in Eastern Europe in the Context of the Conservative Backlash, thematic volume of Crossroads, 1-2/2017 (EHU, edited by B.Cope, E.Minchenya and O.Sasunkevich)
- Elena Gapova. Classes of Nation (Moscow: NLO, 2016);
- Elena Gapova. “Gender Equality vs. Difference and What Post-socialism Can Teach Us” Women’s Studies International Forum, 2016, 59: 9-16
- Elena Gapova. “Things Fall Apart”: The Moral Revolutions of Svetlana Alexievich.” Slavic Eurasian Studies, 2016, 30: 103-116.
- Elena Gapova. “Becoming Visible in Digital Age: Class and Media Issues in the Pussy Riot Affair” Feminist Media Studies, 2015, 15(1): 18-35. Reprinted in Mediating PosSocialist Femininities (N. Kaneva ed.), Routledge, 2016, 18-35.
- Elena Gapova. “Suffering and the Soviet Man’s Search for Meaning in the Works of Svetlana Alexievich” in Contemporary Literature Criticism Yearbook. Gale Cengage: Gale’s Literature Resource Center, 2016.
- Elena Gapova. “Suffering and Search for Meaning: the Moral Revolutions of Svetlana Alexievich” [in Russian “Stradanie I poisk smysla: mora’nye revolutsii Svetlana Aleksievich”]. Neprikosnovennyi Zapas (Moscow), 2015, 99/1: 209-223. Published in German in Osteuropa (the leading German journal for Slavic studies), 2018, 1-2: 211-222.
- Uladzislau Ivanou (Harbacki). On the inclusive Belarusian language, ACTA ALBARUTHENICA, Tom 19, 2019, Warsaw, c. 231-240. In Belarusian;
- Uladzislau Ivanou (Harbacki). “Works of Paluta Badunova” (Preface and print preparation), Gudų kultūros draugija Lietuvoje, 2018;
- Uladzislau Ivanou, Vulnerable-Groups Stereotyping in Lithuania, Case Study of Gays in 2015-2016, Online Hate Speech in the European Union, A Discourse-Analytic Perspective || Assimakopoulos, Stavros, Baider, Fabienne H., Millar, Sharon (eds.), Springer, 2017, pp. 38-42
- Uladzislau Ivanou (Harbacki). Guide to the feminization of the Belarusian language;
- Uladzislau Ivanou (Harbacki). Feminization of Belarusian language, sociolinguistic research, Gudų kultūros draugija Lietuvoje, Vilnius, 2019 (in Belarusian)
- Alexander Pershai. The Language Puzzle: Is Inclusive Language a Solution? // Everyday Women’s and Gender Studies: Introductory Concepts. Ed. by A. Braithwaite, C. M. Orr. New York & London: Routledge, 2017. P. 55-58.
- Alexander Pershai. Revisiting the Concept of “Colonization Vice Versa”: On the Disciplinary Struggles of Post-Soviet Gender Linguistics // Crossroads. 2017, No. 1-2, p. 58-78.
- Alexander Pershai. Semantics of Gender: On Gender Stratification in Idiomatic Expressions (2014);
- Elena Gapova, Almira Ousmanova “Love and Sex in BSSR” Review of Alexander Guzhalovski’s book “Sexual Revolution in Soviet Belarus, 1917 – 1929”, in ARCHE, 3 (158), 2018, pp. 39 – 48 (BELARUSIAN);
- Almira Ousmanova “In a Position of a Participant Observer: Gender, Knowledge and Power in P.S. Academia”. In: Bühler-Dietrich, Annette (ed.) Feministische Zirkulationen zwischen Ost und West (Berlin: Frank & Timme), 2019, pp. 25 – 45;
- Almira Ousmanova. On the ‘postfeminist fantasy of equality’: gender knowledge in-between university and media]. pARTisankA: альманах сучаснае беларускае культуры: Галiяфы, 2020, 3, p. 24-34.
Other publications
- “Women in Politics; New Approaches to the Political” (journal, Vols. 1-2-3 (2014 – 2017), ed. By E. Ivanova and A. Pershai
Vol. 2
Organized conferences
- The Promise of (Un)Happiness? Gender, Labour, and Migration (EHU, September 17 – 18th, 2024) –
- Gender and Im/Material Labour (EHU, June 15-16th, 2023)
- The Legacy of Simone de Beauvoir and Post/Feminist Condition in the XXI century (2019)
Other events
- Series of webinars on feminism “One’s Own Room: Feminist Thursdays”
- Summer school (Women in Tech project) – Glossary of Belarusian Feminism, August 6 – 9, 2024
- Research Laboratory of Women in Tech project: Exclusion. Her-prospective ( 2024 – 2025)
- Presentation of the translation from French to Belarusian of the feminist novel “Écrire la vie” by Annie Ernaux (spring 2021);
- A series of webinars on feminism “My Room” (2020-2021);
- Presentation of the book by Uladzislau Ivanou Guide to the feminization of the Belarusian language (2016, Kaunas, Vilnius)
- Series of seminars “Gender Interventions in Political Discourses” (2016-2018)
- Series of public lectures on Great French women of the 20th century in Minsk (together with the French Media Library and the French Embassy in Belarus, 2017-2021)
- Social and political marginality of the experience of the other: the case of gay and lesbian literature and activism (2018, Vilnius)
- Participation in the preparation of a special issue of the ПрайдзіСвет magazine dedicated to homosexuality and literature (together with the team of the ПрайдзіСвет magazine) (2018)
- Gender expertise of the Writers Union of Belarus (2018, Minsk)
- Presentation of a new book of poetry by Volga Hapeyeva and the debate on the topic “Feminist writing” (May 2019, for students of EHU, Vilnius)
- Round table dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the publication of the essay by Simone de Beauvoir “Second Sex” (Minsk, 2019)
- Presentation of the book “Works of Paluta Badunova” (May 2019, Minsk; March 2019 for students of EHU, Vilnius)
- Gender expertise of the Viasna human rights center (2019, Minsk)
- “Non-zero countdown: the relay race of the women’s movement in Belarus“. Round-table discussion (Minsk, 2019)
- A series of workshops, lectures and round-table discussions in the framework of art and educational festival Artes Liberales (Minsk, 2012 – 2017)
- Women in Tech -I (2023 – 2024) и Women in Tech -II (2023-2025)
The Women in Tech program is an educational and research project aimed at supporting Belarusian women in the IT field, promoting gender equality in the field of high technologies. The project is implemented with financial support of the European Union.The project includes the following areas of activities:- Login to Tech – a video course of lectures and practical exercises. For women who plan to start career in IT.
- Conference on ways to address gender discrimination in IT. For representatives of IT business, NGOs and anyone interested in this issue.
- IT courses in various areas with the study of specific hard skills for working in IT.
- Mentoring program to support women with the participation of IT, HR and business professionals.
- Women in Tech Academic is a program of scientific research on gender inequality in the IT field in Belarus.
- Gender Studies and War Challenges in Resilience of Universities in Ukraine: digitalization, internationalization, and networking for excellence in teaching and research (funded by Swedish Institute, 2023 – 2024) Partner universities: University of Lund, (Sweden); Kyiv Taras Shevchenko State University, Ukrane; Kharkiv State University, Ukraine; EHU, Lithuania; Ilia State University, GeorgiaThe project’s goal is to support Ukrainian academics and students in the field of Gender Studies. The project’s planned outcomes: the creation of joint online course «Rethinking Gender, War and Peace in the XXI century” (2023 – 2024), the development of multimedia teaching materials for this course; building the network of gender scholars from the partner’s institutions.
- Educational and Publishing Project “Gendered BNR” (publication of works of women who collaborated in the Belarusian National Republic). The first book of this series was published in 2019 and is dedicated to Paluta Badunova. Continuation of the series: Vanda Liavickaja, Larysa Henijuš, Ivonka Survila, Nina Abramčyk. In collaboration with the Belarusian diaspora in the UK, Francis Skaryna Belarusian Library and Museum, London (2019-2024)
- Project “Gender Studies and War Challenges in Resilience of the Universities in Ukraine: Networking for Excellence in Teaching and Institutional Development”; 2023 – 2024; partners – Lund University (LU), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (TSNUK) and Ilia State University, Tbilisi (ISU)
Students Projects
One’s Own Room: Feminist Thursdays
- The project team conducts a series of webinars on feminism “Own Room”. “Own room” is an open discussion space, where every one can not only learn and discover new facets in gender equality and anti-discrimination issues, but also ask their questions, express opinions and participate in the discussion of such difficult, but extremely topical issues.
- The project team members: The project team members: Karalina Rynkevich; Kseniya Lukashenia Yelizaveta Rohava; Julia Lysakouskaya.
- More detailed information about “One’s Own Room: Feminist Thursdays” webinars’ cycle and community can be found here:
- University of Lund, Sweden; Department of Gender Studies –
- Gender Studies program, Kharkiv State University, Ukraine;
- Gender Studies MA program, Ilia State University, Georgia;
- Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies (IKM), University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Austria
- Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (Ukraine)/ Research Center for Gender Education
- Center for Equality Advancement (Vilnius) –
- Сentre “Women’s Perspectives” (Lviv, Ukraine) –
- Francis Skaryna Belarusian Library and Museum (London) –
- Human Constanta –