Reception of Application forms starts from January 3. To become a student already in March 2022, you have to complete several important but simple steps by February 10 (inclusive):
- To provide a diploma of higher education (Bachelor’s / Specialist’s / Master’s diploma) and other required documents:
- To prove proficiency in English at B2 level or higher;
- To fill out an online Application form;
- To pass a motivational online interview.
For those, who don’t have a document proving their knowledge of English, an online exam in English will be held on February 11.
It is important to mention that applicants can get a 50% or a 100% grant to cover the cost of studies per semester based on their portfolios. The collection of portfolios will take place from January 3 to February 7. You can find all the details about the rules for admission to the Master’s studies by following the link.
According to the Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Social Sciences of EHU Uladzislau Ivanou, one of the leading lecturers at the program: “The importance and necessity of the EHU program in Gender Studies in the region is based on the academic and political evolution. It will make research in sociology and related disciplines more visible and will undoubtedly become a place for intellectual and practical meetings and exchange, but, above all, it will allow the transfer of gender knowledge through the academic channel.
Also, this Master’s program is of great social importance: it meets nowadays’ political requirements and the requirements of civil society, preparing specialists who will be able to solve important social and political problems, such as: gender political asymmetry in rights and responsibilities, gender inequality in pay, violence against women, sexism in society, media and public discourse, gender stereotypes, etc.”
The Gender Studies Program was developed with the participation of representatives of the teaching staff of EHU – specialists in the field of Gender Studies with many years of experience, invited specialists from other countries and a fifth-year student of the Bachelor Program “Media and Communication”, activist of the students project “FemThursday” and EHU Center for Gender Studies Carolina Rynkevich.
The curriculum of the Program is designed in such a way as to prepare highly qualified sociologists, who can systematically analyze relevant societal phenomena and challenges related to gender categories, to prepare and implement sociological research projects, and to propose possible solutions to social problems related to gender norms. For example, among the subjects to be taken by future students of the Program are both purely practical subjects related to Gender Studies, such as Sociology of Gender and Sexuality, Qualitative Methods in Gender Research, Feminism: Politics, Theory, Practice, etc. and subjects that offer an interdisciplinary approach and provide students with knowledge in the field of law, political science and other sciences.
The new Master’s Program is based on the 20-year-long tradition of EHU in the field of Gender Studies, since a similar program was already implemented by the University during its operation in Belarus and for a long time remained the only program in Gender Studies in the region. Besides, in 1997, the above-mentioned Center for Gender Studies was founded at the University. The Center continues its active research activities to this day. Despite this, the Program is the only full-fledged Master’s Program in Gender Studies in Lithuania and Belarus!
The studies under the Program will last for 1.5 years and will be conducted in English in the blended learning format that combines full-time education in Vilnius with distance learning.
Graduates of this Program will be able to work as sociologists, consultants, analysts at national and international research centers, employees of governmental and non-governmental organizations, employees of personnel services and agencies, media agencies, educational institutions, etc.
You are interested but still have some questions? Get consultation on admission by writing to us at [email protected], as well as via Skype QuestionEHU or via the Facebook page of the University.
*Studies will begin in March 2022 only if a group of 12 persons is assembled. Otherwise, studies on the MA program “Gender Studies” will begin in October 2022.