Scholarship Opportunities

All scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis based on the academic achievements during the semester. To participate in the scholarships’ competition, a student must submit an individual portfolio showing his/her academic, social and creative achievements depending on the scholarship category.

Name of Scholarship Number Awarded Amount Duration Eligibility Selection Criteria
Level of Study Citizenship/ Residence
EHU Alumni Scholarship* 1 variable (depending on monetary contributions from alumni) one year BA HR + LR Open to all students Academic achievement and extracurricular activities
Incentive Scholarship 8 EUR 200 per month one semester BA HR Open to all students GPA from 8.0 and extracurricular activities
Valery Lobko Scholarship 1 EUR 2,000 one year BA HR + LR Citizens and permanent residents of Belarus Academic achievement
Creative work (portfolio)
Vladimir Furs Scholarship 2 EUR 2,000 one year BA HR, MA, PhD 1 scholarship for citizens and permanent residents of Belarus; 1 for non-Belarusian citizens/residents Academic achievement and achievement in research
Konrad Adenauer’s Foundation Scholarship upon request EUR 150 per month one year MA Citizens of Belarus Academic achievement, knowledge of German or English language, academic activities, extracurricular activities

Social Scholarship

More information here.

upon request EUR 123 per month from 1 to 10 months BA HR + LR, MA, PhD For all students, except citizens of Lithuania The presence of factors indicating the need for social support in accordance with the Regulation
Department Scholarship 11 for each Department EUR 1,200 one semester BA HR, LR, MA Open to all students Demonstration of involvement in the life of the Department + academic performance
Friends of EHU Scholarship* upon request variable (depending on decision of the Commission) one semester BA HR + LR, MA Citizens and permanent residents of Belarus Academic achievement and achievement in research and social activities, motivational letter

* The amount and frequency of the scholarship depends on donor donations.

EHU students can receive only one type of financial support from the university at a time – a grant or scholarship. Exception: students receiving a Grant can also apply for a Social Scholarship.

Based on p.3.4. of the Regulations on granting social scholarships at EHU (Appendix 12 of the Basic Financial Regulations for EHU students), the EHU Rector has the right, in exceptional cases, to provide financial assistance to individual students within the framework of the current budget. The amount of the Scholarship and the conditions for its receipt depend on each specific case. To apply, send a request to [email protected].

General questions on admission rules and admission process:
[email protected]
Tel.: +370 (644) 96 317