

The European Humanities University offers undergraduate students both high residence and low residence modes of study (please check program descriptions to see which are offered in which modes). Most classes are taught in Belarusian or Russian, with some offerings in English, German, and other languages, as well.

Basic requirements are the same for both high and low residence. Some courses are required; others are elective and can be chosen from offerings at EHU or other universities. To earn a bachelor degree, students must earn at least 160 credits. One credit equals 40 academic hours of student work.

EHU’s undergraduate programs, regardless of mode, meet all the requirements for universities registered and operating in Lithuania.

High residence students attend classes full-time on campus in Vilnius. Low residence studies are ideal for those who want to obtain a degree but may not be able to attend classes in Vilnius regularly and prefer a more flexible schedule.

An individual study program is developed for each low residence student in accordance with his or her preferences and the requirements of his or her chosen program. Each program has a distance learning coordinator who acts as a contact point for all study-related issues.

The low residence learning process at EHU consists of regular distance learning sessions (using online distance learning applications) and two-to-three week-long study sessions in Vilnius per year.

Obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in high residence mode takes approximately four years. To obtain the degree in low residence mode can take from four to six years, depending on the intensity of low residence studies.



School of Digital Competencies (SDC) - an educational program aimed at providing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science in accordance with the actual requirements of international IT organizations.


Academic degree: Bachelor of Computer Science
Study period: 3.5 years (7 semesters) (full-time (on-campus)); 3.5 years (7 semesters) (full-time (online)); 4.5 years (9 semesters) (part-time (session-based));


BA Programme “Law” prepares highly qualified lawyers who share European values, who are able to protect human rights and participate in the formation of a democratic social state based on the rule of law in the Republic of Belarus through competent, critical and creative work in the institutions of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities, nongovernmental organizations, bar associations, law firms and business entities.


Academic degree: Bachelor of Law
Study period: 3.5 years (7 semesters) (full-time study); 4.5 years (9 semesters) (part-time study);


BA Program “History” trains highly qualified professionals in the field of history with theoretical knowledge, practical skills and professional competences that meet contemporary educational standards.


Academic degree: Bachelor of History
Study period: 4 years (8 semesters) (full-time);
Business Economics

Business Economics

The “Business Economics” program prepares highly qualified economists with a unique set of competencies.

Business Economics

Academic degree: Bachelor of Social Sciences (in Economics)
Study period: 3.5 years (7 semesters, 210 ECTS) (full-time);
Visual Design

Visual Design

Development of creativity and individual style. Contemporary information technologies. 3d modelling. Trains designers for electronic and paper media, illustrators, animators, web designers, interface designers, art directors.

Visual Design

Academic degree: Bachelor of Arts
Study period: 4 years (8 semesters) (High Residence); 5 years (10 semesters) (Low Residence);
World Politics and Economics

World Politics and Economics

Two universities - two diplomas. In collaboration with Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. The double diploma program with Bachelor of Political Science degree and a Bachelor of Economics degree. Trains political scientists, economists and professional analysts.

World Politics and Economics

Academic degree: Bachelor of Social Sciences
Study period: 4 years (8 semesters) (full-time) (double degree program with Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania)); 5 years (10 semesters) (part-time);
Media and Communication

Media and Communication

The future of media. Practical orientation. The newest equipment. Two specializations: "New Media" and "Visual Culture and Creative Industries". Trains professional journalists, critics, producers and specialists in media planning.

Media and Communication

Academic degree: Bachelor of Social Sciences
Study period: 4 years (8 semesters) (full-time); 5 years (10 semesters) (part-time);