
EHU Alumni:

  • are running or working for private businesses in areas like medical and traditional tourism, web development, graphic design, photography, international and space law, banking, logistics, and others.
  • have created websites that enable Belarusian citizens to upload instances of election violations to an online map (
  • in Belarusian and international NGOs like BYWatch, EOTP, International Consortium EUROBELARUS; many are active in the Belarusian opposition.
  • work in international and Belarusian research institutions, universities, and think tanks, including the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies, Institute of Political Studies Political Sphere, Comenius University in Bratislava, Higher School of Economics, and at EHU itself.
  • work as journalists, editors, and bloggers in Belarusian and international media like Belsat, DELFI, LRT, Citydog, and others.

Get Involved!

Benefits of EHU’s Alumni Network

EHU Alumni Association offers lifelong membership to all who attended the university. By keeping in touch, alums can benefit from receiving regular information on career opportunities, job openings, educational programs, grants, career seminars on campus in Vilnius, and a network that connects employers to talented graduates.
Since 2012, alumni meetings are taking place regularly in Minsk and in Vilnius. Please check the news section for information about upcoming events.

Initiate an Alumni Club

Our alums are invited to initiate local alumni clubs connecting alums with similar interests or living in the same geographical area. Alumni clubs can propose projects and apply to EHU for support. Currently such clubs operate in Minsk, New York, Vilnius, and Vitebsk. To join an EHU club in your area or to start a new one, please write to [email protected]
More information about alumni activities is also available on EHU’s alumni FB group

Alumni Scholarship

The EHU Alumni Scholarship Fund supports current active undergraduate students and fosters closer links between EHU students and alumni. EHU Alumni Scholarships encourage social engagement and are awarded to students who demonstrate a high level of academic achievement as well as involvement in extracurricular activities.
Alumni are invited to donate to the EHU Alumni Scholarship Fund at regular EHU alumni meetings or by visiting EHU’s accounting office (Tauro g. 12, Vilnius) and via the website (remember to indicate that your donation is for the EHU Alumni Scholarship Fund).

Selection Criteria

The call for applications for the EHU Alumni Scholarship is usually announced in the fall. Students wishing to apply for the EHU Alumni Scholarship need to submit the following documents to [email protected]:

  • justification from the Academic Department, signed by the Dean of the Undergraduate School, which should include the academic rating, and achievements (grants, awards, scholarships received, places taken in competitions, diplomas, certificates);
  • list of social activities (confirmed by recommendations of Student Service staff or Student Government Council);
  • a letter of recommendation from a Head of Department;
  • a letter of recommendation from an EHU Alumni Scholarship donors.

Selection procedure

The Scholarship is awarded on a competitive basis within the limits of the EHU Alumni Scholarship Fund.
The applications are reviewed and approved by the EHU Alumni Scholarship Commission, comprised of the dean of undergraduate school, three alumni-donors to the Scholarship Fund, a representative of Student Service, and a member of the Student Union. The criteria-meeting applications are then reviewed by the alumni-donors, who determine the awardee by a majority vote.


EHU Distinguished Alumni